UHSPA Trains journalists on counterfeits agro inputs

UHSPA Trains journalists on counterfeits agro inputs

The Uganda Health and Science Press Association on December 8,2009 held a one day training seminar for 50 journalists from both print and electronic media houses about the problem of counterfeits in the country. The seminar was held at Ivy's Hotel, Wakaliga in Kampala

This was on the basis that members needed to be alerted about highlighting in their media, talk shows and columns the danger that counterfeit seeds, seedlings, agro chemicals pose to the environment,human health and food security.

Dr Rita Laker Ojok, the Executive Director for Appropriate Technology,Uganda who supported the seminar financially said Uganda was threatened with declining food shortages.

According to FAO Uganda’s agricultural productivity is constantly going down, despite a 3.2% annual population growth, one of the highest in the world. The country has registered a decline in real agricultural terms from 7.9% in 2001 to 0.7% in 2007/2008, rising to 2.6% in 2008/2009.

Declining government’s investment into agro research, high transport costs and especially trading in counterfeit agro inputs including seeds, chemicals, seedlings, etc, exacerbates the problem.

Crop failure in the first season of 2009, partly blamed on counterfeits, were between 40%-60%. This has pushed food price index to rise by an average of 25% and 55% from mid 2007 to mid 2008, beyond the affordability of many Ugandans.

The members issued a communique at the end of the workshop, condeming the counterfeit trade and asked government to step up inspection at entry poiints for imported inputs, but also senstise farmers and traders on the threat fakes present on food security.

Mr Kikonyogo Kivumbi, the uhspa-uganda executive director said journalists were fully behind the campaign to end fake inputs draft


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