Honey moon is over: HIV/AIDS Control Bill is back
ACTIVIST FLAVIA KYOMUKAMA TRAINING LGBTIS ON HEALTH LOBBYING DURING UHSPA WORKSHOP A motion moved on October 25,2011 to resurrect all bills that were shelved in the 8th Parliament means that the HIV/AIDS Control Bill is coming back and will be read for the first time in the 9th parliament for the first time before christmas break. But we are ready. We have recently been training each other on advanced lobbying What we did in the eighth parliament (flash back) Friends of Uhspa Uganda recently held a party to celebrate the intensive lobbying efforts for the last one year that yielded in the Parliament of Uganda dropping the HIV/AIDS Control Bill 2010, which alienated LGBTI rights to health as a Public Health Right. The Party held at Uhspa office gardens was wow!!. Mr Kikonyogo Kivumbi, the Uhspa Director and Ms Prossy Ssonko, a Board Member and Treassurer thanked the members and partners for the continued partnership to address unfair legislations. Mr. Kikonyogo said the expiry of the HI...